DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2020.4.117
УДК: 336.711.65:339.924
О. В. Крилова
Метою статті стало дослідження факторів, що впливають на досвід функціонування банківської системи в Україні та деяких країн ЄС; надання науково-практичних рекомендацій щодо удосконалення фінансово-правового регулювання банківських відносин України. Проаналізовано окремі показники функціонування банківської системи України та виявлено основні проблеми функціонування вітчизняних банків. Наведено особливості функціонування банківських систем Угорщини, Польщі, Словаччини, Румунії. Запропоновано заходи щодо поліпшення стану банківської системи України. Основний внесок цього дослідження у науку можна принципово узагальнити так: розроблення теоретичної бази, яка охоплює фактори, що впливають на досконалість якості обслуговування в банківській системі. Управління якістю дає стратегічні переваги, як-от: зниження виробничих витрат у довгостроковій перспективі та підвищення продуктивності праці.
Ключові слова: банківська система; депозит; процентна ставка; комерційні банки; європейські країни.
1. Georgantopoulos А. G., & Filos, I. (2017). Corporate governance mechanisms and bank performance: evidence from the Greek banks during crisis period. Investment management and financial innovations, 14 (1-1), 160—172. http://dx.doi. org/10.21511/imfi.14(1-1).2017.02
2. Jose Tari J. (2011) Research into quality management and social responsibility. Journal of business ethics 102, 623—638.
3. Piotrowska, M. (2017). The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Financial Security of Households in Poland. Contadurіa y Administraciоn, 62/2, 461—504.
4. Slav'yuk R., Shkvarchuk L., & Kondrat, I. (2017). Financial market imbalance: reasons and peculiarities of occurrence in Ukraine. Investment management and financial innovations, 14 (1-1), 227—235. http://— 1).2017.09
5. Savchuk N. and Grydzhuk D. (2017). Modern tendencies of the Ukrainian banking system development. Banks and Bank Systems (openaccess), 12(4), 105—113. doi:http://10.21511/bbs.12(4).2017.10
6. Schimmel K., Liu S., Nicholls J., Nechval N.A., Yi-Lin Forrest, J. (2017). Economic Security under Disturbances of Foreign Capital. Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 17 (2), 14—28.
7. Stolitnii A., Makhinchuk V. (2019) Рriorities for the development of the economy of the USA and some European countries. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 5, No. 5, 151—154. DOI:
8. World Bank Group (2020), available at: (Accessed 19 Feb 2020).
9. Yunin O., Sevruk V., & Pavlenko S. (2018). Priorities of economic development of Ukraine in the context of european integration. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4 (3), 358—365.
10. Zachosova N. (2019). Іnnovative approach in the estimatology of financial institutions economic security: possibilities of use in management and regulatory activity within the means of provision of the state financial security, Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 5, No. 2, 45—56. DOI:
O. Krylova
The banking system is the driving force of every developed economy, operating in the presence of institutional, economic and other state-established borders. Studying the characteristics and comparing analogues and the domestic banking system can be an impetus for changes in the structure and functioning of the latter, which in turn can be the basis for economic growth. The purpose of the article was to investigate the factors that influence the experience of the banking system in Ukraine and some EU countries; providing scientific and practical recommendations on improving the financial and legal regulation of banking relations in Ukraine. Some indicators of functioning of the banking system of Ukraine are analyzed and the main problems of functioning of domestic banks are identified. The peculiarities of the functioning of the banking systems of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Romania are given. Measures are proposed to improve the state of the banking system of Ukraine. The main contribution of this research to science can be broadly summarized as: the development of a theoretical framework that covers factors that affect the quality of service in the banking system. Quality management provides strategic benefits such as reducing production costs in the long run and increasing productivity.
Improved quality provides more market share, an asset and proven by many authors and researchers. There is a strong positive relationship between quality and market share, as quality has become a major strategic variable in the struggle for market share in the banking system of countries. Therefore, improving the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the development of the banking system is an important task of state regulation of the domestic banking system, which leads to the adoption of effective and adequate management decisions in order to find approaches and correct methods of integration processes, taking into account the complexity of the external financial environment. The Ukrainian banking system is gradually integrating into the international banking system and is shaping its development model, which should take full advantage of Ukraine's potential for financial globalization.
Keywords: anking system; deposit; interest rate; commercial banks; European countries.
1. Georgantopoulos, А. G. and Filos, I. (2017), "Corporate governance mechanisms and bank performance: evidence from the Greek banks during crisis period", Investment management and financial innovations, vol. 14(1-1), pp. 160—172. http://dx.doi. org/10.21511/imfi.14(1-1).2017.02
2. Jose' Tari, J. (2011), "Research into quality management and social responsibility", Journal of business ethics, vol. 102, pp. 623—638.
3. Piotrowska, M. (2017), "The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Financial Security of Households in Poland", Contadur'a y Administraci'n, vol. 62/2, pp. 461—504.
4. Slav'yuk, R. Shkvarchuk, L. and Kondrat, I. (2017), "Financial market imbalance: reasons and peculiarities of occurrence in Ukraine", Investment management and financial innovations, vol. 14 (1-1), pp. 227—235.
5. Savchuk, N. and Grydzhuk, D. (2017), "Modern tendencies of the Ukrainian banking system development", Banks and Bank Systems (openaccess), vol. 12(4), pp. 105—113. doi:http://10.21511/bbs.12(4).2017.10
6. Schimmel, K. Liu, S. Nicholls, J. Nechval, N. A. and Yi-Lin Forrest, J. (2017), "Economic Security under Disturbances of Foreign Capital", Advances in Systems Science and Applications, vol. 17(2), pp. 14—28.
7. Stolitnii, A. Makhinchuk, V. (2019), "Рriorities for the development of the economy of the USA and some European countries", Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 5/5, pp. 151—154. DOI:
8. World Bank Group (2020), available at: (Accessed 19 Feb 2020).
9. Yunin, O. Sevruk, V. and Pavlenko, S. (2018), "Priorities of economic development of Ukraine in the context of European integration", Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 4 (3), pp. 358—365.
10. Zachosova, N. (2019), "Іnnovative approach in the estimatology of financial institutions economic security: possibilities of use in management and regulatory activity within the means of provision of the state financial security", Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 5(2), pp. 45—56. DOI:
№ 4 2020, стор. 117 - 120
Дата публікації: 2020-05-05
Кількість переглядів: 1214