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А. В. Чужиков


DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.2.47

УДК: 339.922

А. В. Чужиков



Статтю присвячено дослідженню особливостей ідентифікації конкурентоспроможності медійних продуктів у глобальній економіці. Проаналізовано численні західні підходи до ідентифікації складових ринку з позиції медійного маркетингу, медійного підприємництва, медійних платформ, у межах яких обгрунтовані окремі види конкуренції (оперативна, валідна, рейтингова, цінова, кон'юктурна, прайм — таймова, ембалажна).
У межах глобального трансферу інформації, знань, образів і символів обгрунтовані дві аналітичні платформи внутрішньої конкуренції: візуалізовано — звукової та звукової і паперової, що об'єднують інтернет, телебачення, радіо і друковані ЗМІ. Виявлено особливості двостороннього медіа ринку та специфіки конкуренції на ньому. Приділено особливу увагу таксономічності інновацій глобальної інноваційної конкуренції та ролі арт-бізнесових компаній, разом узяті утворюють дифузну конкуренцію медійних систем. Спрогнозована поява вже найближчим часом модерних ЗМІ.

Ключові слова: глобальна економіка; конкурентоспроможність медіа; медійний продукт; медійні системи; глобальний трансфер; ЗМІ; дифузна модель.


1. Achtenhagen L. Media entreneurship — Takingstock and moving forward / L. Achtenhagen//International Journal of Media Management. — 2017. — №19 (1). — P. 1—8.
2. Achtenhagen L. Entrepreneurial orientation — An overlooked theoretical concept for studying media firms / L. Achtenhagen //Global Media Journal — Canadian Edition. — 2017. — №10 (1). — P. 57—63.
3. Khajeheian D. Media entrepreneurship: A consensual definition / D. Khajeheian //AD — minster. — 2017. — №30. — P. 91—113.
4. Hang M. Media corporate entrepreneurship /M. Hang. — Singapore: Springer, 2016. — 217 p.
5. Felix R., Rauschnabel P.A., Chris H. Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework /R.Felix, P.A. Rauschnabel, H. Chris //Journal of Business Research. — 2016. — № 7 (2). — P. 85—90.
6. Godes D., Ofen E., Sarvary M. Content vs. Advertising: The Impart of Competition on Media Firm strategy /David Godes, ElieOfen, MikLosSarvary //Marketing Science. — 2009. — №28 (1). — P. 20—35.
7. HasenpuschT., BaumannS. Strategic media venturing: Corporate venture capital approaches of TIMEinacumbents / T.S. Hasenpusch, S. Baumann //Internatioal Journal on Media Management. — 2017. — №19 (1). — P. 77—100.
8. LabatiS.,Williams I. Compotitiveness of Small Media Firms /Compotitivenss in Emetging Market: Market Dynamics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies /Ed. by Khajeheian D. — Berlin: Springer, 2018. — P. 263—282.
9. Khajeheian D., Friedrichsen M. Innovation inventory as a source of creativity for interactive television /D. Khajeheian, M. Friedrichsen //Digital Transformation in Journalist and News Media, pр. 341—349 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режимдоступу: https: //doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-27786. — 8_25
10. Van Kranenburg H., Ziggers G. How media companies should create value: Innovation centered business models and dynamic capabilities / H. van Kranenburg, G. W. Ziggers / In M. Friedriohsen& W. Muhl — Benninghaus(Eds.), Handbook of Social media — management. — Berlin: Springer, 2013. — P. 239—251
11. Leung D., Law R., Hoof van H., Buhalis D. Social media in tourism and hospitality: A Literature review /Daniel Leung, Rob Law, Hubert van Hoof, Dimitrios Buhalis // Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. — 2013. — № 3 (22) [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: https: //doi. org/10.1080/105 48 408. 2013. 750919
12. Just N. Governing online platforms: Competition polisy in times of platformization / Natascha Just //Telecommunications Policy. — 2018. — February [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: https: //doi. org/10.1016 /j. telpol. 2018.02.006
13. Kim S. How can we make a socially optimal Large — scale media platform? Analysis of a monopolistic Internet media platform using two — sided market theory /Song — min Kim // Telecommunication Policy. — 2016. — July [Електронний ресурс]. — Режимдоступу: https: //dx. doi. org /10.1016 /j. telpol. 2016.07.001
14. Armstrong M. Competition in two-sided markets /M. Armstrong // The RAND of Journal of Economy. — 2006. — № 37 (3). — P. 668—691.
15. Anderson S., Jullien B. The advertising — financed business model in two — sided media markets /in S.P. Anderson, D. Strоmberg, J. Waldfogel (Eds) //Handbook of media economics. — Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016. — P. 41—90.
16. Rochet J.-C., Tirole J. Platform competition in two-sided markets /J.-C. Rochet, J. Tirole //Journal of the European Economic Association. — 2003. — № 1 (4). — P. 990—1029.
17. Haucap J.& Stоhmeier T. Competition and antirust in internet, markets /In J. M. Bauer, Latzer (Eds). //Handbook on the economics of the internet. — Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016. — P. 183—210.

А. Chuzhykov



The purpose of the paper is to systematically analyze identification approaches to determine the nature, content and dynamics of the creation, transfer and commercialization of media products, in the face of aggravation of global rivalry between corporations, national companies, small and medium-sized businesses. Identifying the levels and nature of media product competitiveness in the global economy is a complex process of assessing the benefits that directly affect their technological, creative, organizational, business and other models of development and the ability to quickly adapt to the new conditions that determine the main trends of the modern information environment.
A thorough understanding of global media competition can not be interpreted as the only possible one, because in the countries of the world various media business, media marketing, media investments, media platforms, anti-trust regulation of media processes, etc. are differently identified.
A more advanced understanding of the media component of the global information network has allowed the emergence of important media design blocks that include news agencies as the primary stage of market formation, and art business companies that provide commercialization and transfer of symbols, images, formats of processed and adapted media products.
The article is devoted to the study of the features of identification of the competitiveness of media products in the global economy. The numerous Western approaches to identifying market components from the standpoint of media marketing, media business, media platforms, within which the author substantiates certain types of competition (operational, valid, rating, price, conjunctural, prime — time, emblazial), are analyzed.
Within the global transfer of information, knowledge, images and symbols, two analytical platforms of internal competition are grounded: visualized — sound, sound and paper, combining the Internet, television, radio and print media. The author reveals peculiarities of the bilateral media market and the specifics of competition on it. Special attention is paid to the taxonomy of innovations in global innovation competition and the role of art business companies, which together form a diffuse competition of media systems. It is forecasted that the modern media will appear in the near future.

Keywords: global economy; media competitiveness; media product; media systems; global transfer; media; diffuse model.


1. Achtenhagen, L. (2017), "Media entreneurship — Takingstock and moving forward", International Journal of Media Management, vol. 19 (1), pp. 1—8.
2. Achtenhagen, L. (2017), "Entrepreneurial orientation — An overlooked theoretical concept for studying media firms", Global Media Journal — Canadian Edition, vol. 10 (1), pp. 57—63.
3. Khajeheian, D. (2017), "Media entrepreneurship: A consensual definition ", AD — minster, vol. 30, pp. 91—113.
4. Hang, M. (2016), Media corporate entrepreneurship, Springer, Singapore.
5. Felix, R. Rauschnabel, P. A. and Chris, H. (2016), "Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework", Journal of Business Research, vol. 7 (2), pp. 85—90.
6. Godes, D. Ofen, E. and Sarvary, M. (2009), "Content vs. Advertising: The Impart of Competition on Media Firm strategy", Marketing Science, vol. 28 (1), pp. 20—35.
7. Hasenpusch, T. Baumann, S. (2017), "Strategic media venturing: Corporate venture capital approaches of TIME in a cumbents", Internatioal Journal on Media Management, vol. 19 (1), pp. 77—100.
8. Labati, S. and Williams, I. (2018), "Compotitiveness of Small Media Firms", Compatitivenss in Emetging Market: Market Dynamics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies, Berlin: Springer, pp. 263—282.
9. Khajeheian, D. and Friedrichsen, M. (2013), "Innovation inventory as a source of creativity for interactive television", Digital Transformation in Journalist and News Media, pp. 341—349.
10. Van Kranenburg, H. and Ziggers, G. (2013), "How media companies should create value: Innovation centered business models and dynamic capabilities" Handbook of Social media — management, Springer, Berlin, pp. 239—251.
11. Leung, D. Law, R. Hoof van, H. and Buhalis, D. (2013), "Social media in tourism and hospitality: A Literature review", Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, [Online], vol. 3(22), available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2013.750919 (Accessed 20 Jan 2019).
12. Just, N. (2018), "Governing online platforms: Competition polisy in times of platformization", Telecommunications Policy, [Online], available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2018.02.006 (Accessed 20 Jan 2019).
13. Kim, S. (2016), "How can we make a socially optimal Large — scale media platform? Analysis of a monopolistic Internet media platform using two — sided market theory", Telecommunication Policy, [Online], available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2016.07.001 (Accessed 20 Jan 2019).
14. Armstrong, M. (2006), "Competition in two-sided markets", The RAND of Journal of Economy, vol. 37 (3). pp. 668—691.
15. Anderson, S. and Jullien, B. (2016), "The advertising — financed business model in two — sided media markets", Handbook of media economics, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 41—90.
16. Rochet, J.-C. and Tirole, J. (2003), "Platform competition in two-sided markets", Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 1 (4), pp. 990—1029.
17. Haucap, J. and Stоhmeier, T.(2016), "Competition and antirust in internet, markets", Handbook on the economics of the internet, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 183—210.

№ 2 2019, стор. 47 - 52

Дата публікації: 2019-02-28

Кількість переглядів: 1413

Відомості про авторів

А. В. Чужиков

к. е. н., доцент кафедри європейського бізнесу та економіки, ДВНЗ "Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана"

А. Chuzhykov

Ph. D., associate professor of European business and economy department of Kyiv National economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Як цитувати статтю

Чужиков А. В. Ідентифікація конкурентоспроможності медійних продуктів. Економіка та держава. 2019. № 2. С. 47–52. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.2.47

Chuzhykov, А. (2019), “Identify the competitiveness of media products”, Ekonomika ta derzhava, vol. 2, pp. 47–52. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.2.47

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