DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2020.9.105
УДК: 331.101.3
А. В. Федоренко
У статті розглядається зв'язок моделей робочого середовища з інноваційною поведінкою персоналу, оскільки інноваційна поведінка співробітників є одним із вирішальних чинників конкурентоспроможності підприємства. Для досягнення завдань статті використовуються: модель вимог і контролю, модель дисбалансу зусилль і винагороди, модель балансу зусиль и оплати праці, модель задоволення робочим середовищем, модель балансу між роботою та особистим життям. Результати статті спираються на дані міжнародних досліджень у сфері робочого середовища та інноваційної діяльності в 28 країнах (зокрема, в Україні). Для визначення зв'язку між факторами робочого середовища і інноваційною поведінкою проведено кореляційний аналіз. Результати дослідження свідчать про те, що для активації інноваційної поведінки персоналу необхідна наявність високої напруги і можливість самостійно приймати рішення про графік і способи виконання поставлених завдань.
Ключові слова: моделі робочого середовища; інноваційна поведінка персоналу; міжнародні дослідження; мотивація інноваційної поведінки працівників.
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12. De Spiegelaere S., Van Gyes G., De Witte H., Niesen W., and Van Hootegem G. (2014), "On the relation of job insecurity, job autonomy, innovative work behaviour and the mediating effect of work engagement", Creativity and innovation management, 23 (3), 318—330.
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22. Karasek R. (1979), "Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain: Implications for job redesign", Administrative Science Quarterly, 24 (2), 285—308.
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25. Steiber N. (2009), "Reported levels of time-based and strain-based conflict between work and family roles in Europe. A multilevel approach", Social Indicators Research, vol. 93, 3.
26. Goldthorpe,John H. and McKnight Abigail (2004), The economic basis of social class. CASEpaper (80). Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
27. Clark A. E. (2005), "Your money or your life: Changing job quality in OECD countries", British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43: 377—400.
28. Green, F. (2010), "Well-being, job satisfaction and labour mobility", Labour Economics, vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 897—903.
29. Sutherland J. (2014), Job Control, Job Demands and Job Satisfaction in Britain: Trends and Inter-relationships. The University of Sheffield.
30. Bysted, R. (2013), "Innovative employee behaviour: the moderating effects of mental involvement and job satisfaction on contextual variables", European Journal of Innovation Management, 16(3), 268—284.
31. Siegrist Johannes, et al. (2004), "The measurement of effort-reward imbalance at work: European comparisons", Social science & medicine, 58.8: 1483—1499.
32. Bonner Sarah E.; Sprinkle Geoffrey B. (2002), "The effects of monetary incentives on effort and task performance: theories, evidence, and a framework for research", Accounting, organizations and society, 27.4-5: 303—345.
A. Fedorenko
The innovative behavior of employees is one of the crucial factors in the competitiveness of an enterprise. Therefore, it is important for enterprise management to involve personnel in creating innovations at work. The demonstration of innovative behaviour at work depends on material and non-material factors that are systematically considered within the framework of working environment models.
The article discusses the relationship between working environment models and the innovative behavior of staff. To achieve the objectives of the research, the following models are used: Job demand control model, Work-life balance model, Effort-reward Imbalance model, Job satisfaction model, Pay effort incentive model.
A speciality of the study is that the analysis of the relationship between the factors of the working environment and innovative behaviour is considered not separately, but in a comprehensive manner within the framework of the working environment models.
The results described in the article are based on the data of international studies in the field of the working environment and innovation in 28 countries (including Ukraine). The total base of the research includes 52 thousand respondents, 1931 individuals were interviewed in Ukraine. To determine the relationship between factors of the working environment and innovative behaviour, a correlation analysis between a country's position in The Global Innovation Index and respondents' answers to questions in The European Social Survey was performed.
The results of the study indicate that in order to activate the innovative behavior of personnel, it is necessary for the personnel to have a high work strain and an opportunity to independently make decisions about the schedule and ways to complete the tasks. The dependence of the salary of employees on the efforts made at work negatively affects the manifestation of innovative behaviour. Employees expect the management of the enterprise to control the efforts and rewards match.
From a practical point of view, the results of the study provide the enterprise management with the opportunity to select the factors of the working environment that will help to involve personnel in innovative activities and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.
Keywords: job design; models of the working environment; innovative behavior of personnel; motivation of innovative behavior of employees; JDC; ERI.
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29. Sutherland, J. (2014), Job Control, Job Demands and Job Satisfaction in Britain: Trends and Inter-relationships, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
30. Bysted, R. (2013), "Innovative employee behaviour: the moderating effects of mental involvement and job satisfaction on contextual variables", European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 16 (3), pp. 268—284.
31. Siegrist, J. (2004), "The measurement of effort-reward imbalance at work: European comparisons", Social science & medicine, vol. 58.8, pp. 1483—1499.
32. Bonner, S. E. and Sprinkle, G. B. (2002), "The effects of monetary incentives on effort and task performance: theories, evidence, and a framework for research", Accounting, organizations and society, vol. 27.4—5, pp. 303—345.
№ 9 2020, стор. 105 - 111
Дата публікації: 2020-10-02
Кількість переглядів: 904