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А. В. Чужиков, В. І. Чужиков


DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.12.33

УДК: 339. 564. 025

А. В. Чужиков, В. І. Чужиков



Метою статті є системний аналіз економічних, правових та інших механізмів і інструментів реалізації медійної політики ЄС у процесі створення єдиного цифрового ринку та розвитку демократичного плюралізму. В роботі проаналізовано цілу низка документів ЄС, що регламентують діяльність медійного бізнесу та визначено, що пріоритетним інструментом реалізації амбітних цілей ЄС є ""Media Creative Europe", який через низку механізмів дозволив максимально підтримати кінематографічні і аудіовізуальні індустрії. Проаналізовано ефективність підпрограм Media і Media Mundus. Визначено сфери селективної підтримки культурної і медіа сфери в ЄС, до яких віднесено сектори: культурних і креативних індустрій, аудіовізуальний, культурний. Проаналізоване фінансування пріоритетних програм (ініціативи доступу до ринків підтримки телевізійних програм, заходи щодо розвитку міжнародного співробітництва тощо). Розглянуто особливості цифрової ідентифікації медійного контенту в межах важливого тренду: Dіgital — single — market, що передбачає захист авторських прав, покращення доступності креативного контенту, спрощення ліцензування. Звернуто особливу увагу на подальшу демократизацію медіа і медійний плюралізм, а також особливості фінансування їхніх інституцій.

Ключові слова: медіа; механізми та інструменти фінансування; ЄС; селективна підтримка; плюралізм; креативні індустрії; аудіовізуальний сектор; ЗМІ.


1. Television broadcasting activities: Television without Frontiers (TVWF) Directive. URL: www. eur. Lex. europa. eu. (дата звернення: 05.11. 2019).
2. Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) 2018 /1808 — EUR. Lex. Europa. Eu. URL: www. ec. europa. Eu (дата звернення: 05.11. 2019).
3. Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union. 2012 /c 326 /01 //Official Journal C 326, 10 /2012 P. 0001 — 0390. URL: www. eur. lex. europa. eu. (дата звернення: 05.11. 2019).
4. The media sub — programme of Creative Europe /Digital Single Market. URL: https: //ec. europa. eu. / digital — single — market /en /policies / media — programme (дата звернення: 01.11. 2019).
5. Audiovisual and mediapolicy. Fact sheets on European Union. URL: www. europortal. europa. eu /factcheets /en /sheet /138 / audiovisual — and — media -policy (дата звернення: 01.11. 2019).
6. Culture and Media Policy. An official website of the European Union. URL: https: //ec. europa. eu. /linfo /policies / culture — and — media_en# policies (дата звернення: 02.11. 2019).
7. Creative Europe Media. The media sub — programme of Creative Europe /Digital Single Market. URL https: //ec. europa. eu. / digital — single — market /en /policies / media — programme (дата звернення: 02.11. 2019).
8. Digital Single Market. URL: https: //ec. europa. eu. / digital — single — market /en /content — dist — ribution (дата звернення: 31.10. 2019).
9. Baker C.E. Media, Markets and Democracy. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. — 230 p.
10. Barzanti F. Governing the European Audiovisual Space: what Modes of Governance can Facilitate an European Approach to Media Pluralism? EUI RSCAS; 2012 /49, Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom. URL: https: //cmpt. eui. en /Home. aspx. (дата звернення: 31.10. 2019).
11. Parcu P.L., Silvestri V. Electronic Communications Regulation in Europe: An Overview of Past and Future Problems, EUI RSCAS; 2013 /92; Florence School of Regulation. URL: https: //cadmus. eui. eu. /handle /1814 /29137 (дата звернення: 31.10. 2019).
12. Van Dijk J. The evolution of the digital divide: The digital divide turns to inequality of skills and usage // Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2012, Amsterdam: IOS Press. — P. 57—75.
13. Pratt A., Stromberg D. The Political Economy of Mass Media //CEPR. Discussion Paper. — 2011. — DP 8246.
14. Meier W. A. National and transnational media ownership concentration in Europe: A burden for democracy? In: W. A. Meier and J. Trappel (eds) /in Power, Performance and Politics: Media Policy in Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2007. — P. 75—103.
15. MEDIADEM. European Media Policies Revisiter: Valuing & Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems. URL https: //www. mediadem. eliamer. gr/ (дата звернення: 31.10. 2019).
16. Mastroianni R. Freedom ot Expression in ECJ and ECHR Case Law /in: Pluralism and Competition in the regulation of New Media. European University Institute. — Florence, Italy: FSRC & M& Mediadem conference, EUI, Florence, Nov. 2011.
17. Valcke P. Audiovisual media services in the EU Next Generation Approach or Old wine in New Barrels? //Communications and Strategies. — 2018. — №71. — Р. 103—120.
18. Harrison J., Woods L. European Broadcasting Law and Policy. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
19. Brogi E., Parcu P. L. The Evolving Regulation of the media in Europe as an instrument for Freedom and Pluralism // EUI Working papers. PSCAS. — 2014. — №9. — P. 3—18.
20. Comparative media policy, regulation and governing the European. Unpacking the Policy cycle /Ed. By Leen D`haenens, Helena Sousa, Josep Trappel / The Euromedia research Grop. — Bristol: Intellect, 2018. — 206 p.
21. Nieminen H. Media and democracy from a European perspective / in J. Nussbaum (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. — New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
22. Closs W., Nikoltchev S. Co — Regulation of the Media in Europe. URL: www. ivir. nl /publicaties /download / IRIS — Special — co — regulation of the media in Europe. Pdf (дата звернення: 20.10. 2019).
23. Palzer C. European Provisions for the Establishment of Co-Regulation Framework. In: Co-Regulation of the media in Europe. URL: www. ivir. nl /publicaties /download / IRIS — Special — co — regulation of the media in Europe. Pdf (дата звернення: 20.10. 2019).
24. Gottberg J. Assumption about Self — Regulation in the media URL: www. ivir. nl /publicaties /download / IRIS — Special — co — regulation of the media in Europe. Pdf (дата звернення: 20.10. 2019).
25. Media regulation authorities URL: https: //www. coe. intlen /web /freedom — expression /media — regulatory — authorities (дата звернення: 25.10. 2019).
26. Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities. URL: www. rirm. org /en/ accueil — 2/ (дата звернення: 25.10. 2019).
27. Scheuer A., Bron Ch. M., Kind Sh. The Media in South — East Europe Media Law and Policy Framework. — Sofia: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011. — 26 p.

A. Chuzhykov, V. Chuzhykov



The purpose of the article is to systematically analyze the economic, legal and other mechanisms and tools for implementing EU media policy in the process of creating a digital single market and developing democratic pluralism. The paper analyzes a number of EU documents regulating the activities of the media business and identifies that the "Media Creative Europe" is a priority tool for achieving the EU's ambitious goals, which through a number of mechanisms has allowed to support the cinema and audiovisual industries as much as possible. The effectiveness of the Media and Media Mundus subroutines is analyzed. Areas of selective support for the cultural and media sphere in the EU are identified, which include sectors: cultural and creative industries, audiovisual, and cultural. Financing of priority programs (initiatives to access the markets for support of television programs, measures for the development of international cooperation, etc.) is analyzed. The features of digital identification of media content within the important trend are considered: Digital — single — market, which provides copyright protection, improvement of availability of creative content, simplification of licensing. Special attention was paid to the further democratization of the media and media pluralism, as well as to the particular financing of their institutions. In the context of increasing globalization processes, the role and significance of the process has increased enormously, because not only the regional or local environment, but also the whole world, arena. The expansion of many media outlets has significantly altered consumer behavior, moods and behavior, pushing society to another transformation. It is not necessary that democratic levers come first. Against this background, the European Union has an extremely strong track record of systematically transforming the mechanisms and instruments of regulating the European media space through selective support systems for certain types of media (cinema, books, formats, etc.) over the last quarter of a century. Carrying out a systematic analysis of the economic and legal mechanisms and instruments for the implementation of the EU media policy.

Keywords: media; financing mechanisms and instruments; EU; selective support; pluralism; creative industries; audiovisual sector; media.


1. EUR-Lex (2019) "Television broadcasting activities: Television without Frontiers (TVWF) Directive", available at: www.eur.Lex.europa.eu. (Accessed 5 November 2019)
2. European Commission website (2018) "Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) 2018 /1808 - EUR. Lex. Europa. Eu.", available at: www.ec.europa.eu (Accessed 5 November 2019).
3. Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union. 2012 (2012) "Official Journal C 326, 10 /2012 P. 0001 - 0390", available at: www. eur. lex. europa. eu. (Accessed 5 November 2019).
4. The media sub - programme of Creative Europe (2018), "Digital Single Market", available at: https: //ec.europa.eu./digital-single-market/en/policies/media-programme (Accessed 1 November 2019).
5. Audiovisual and mediapolicy (2018), "Fact sheets on European Union", available at: www.europortal.europa.eu/factcheets/en/sheet/138/audiovisual-and-media-policy (Accessed 1 November 2019).
6. Culture and Media Policy (2016), "An official website of the European Union" available at: https://ec.europa.eu./linfo/policies/culture-and-media_en#policies (Accessed 2 November 2019).
7. Creative Europe Media (2017), "The media sub - programme of Creative Europe /Digital Single Market", available at: https://ec.europa.eu./digital-single-market/en/policies/media-programme (Accessed 2 November 2019).
8. Digital Single Market (2017), available at: https://ec.europa.eu./digital-single-market/en/content-dist-ribution (Accessed 31 October 2019).
9. Baker, C. (2002), Media, Markets and Democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
10. Barzanti, F. (2012), "Governing the European Audiovisual Space: what Modes of Governance can Facilitate an European Approach to Media Pluralism?", EUI RSCAS; 2012 /49, Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, available at: https://cmpt.eui.en/Home.aspx. (Accessed 31 October 2019).
11. Parcu, P. and Silvestri, V. (2013), "Electronic Communications Regulation in Europe: An Overview of Past and Future Problems, EUI RSCAS; 2013 /92", Florence School of Regulation, available at: https://cadmus.eui.eu./handle/1814/29137. (Accessed 31 October 2019).
12. Van Dijk, J. (2012), "The evolution of the digital divide: The digital divide turns to inequality of skills and usage", Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2012, IOS Press, Amsterdam NL.
13. Pratt, A. and Stromberg, D. (2011), The Political Economy of Mass Media, Discussion Paper, CEPR.
14. Meier, W. (2007), "National and transnational media ownership concentration in Europe: A burden for democracy?", Power, Performance and Politics: Media Policy in Europe, Nomos, SW, Baden - Baden.
15. MEDIADEM (2016), "European Media Policies Revisiter: Valuing & Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems", available at: https: //www.mediadem.eliamer.gr/ (Accessed 31 October 2019).
16. Mastroianni, R. (2011), "Freedom ot Expression in ECJ and ECHR Case Law", Pluralism and Competition in the regulation of New Media, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
17. Valcke, P. (2018), "Audiovisual media services in the EU Next Generation Approach or Old wine in New Barrels?", Communications and Strategies, vol 71, pp. 103—120.
18. Harrison, J. and Woods, L. (2007), European Broadcasting Law and Policy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
19. Brogi, E. and Parcu, P. (2014), "The Evolving Regulation of the media in Europe as an instrument for Freedom and Pluralism", EUI Working papers. PSCAS, vol. 9, pp. 3—18.
20. The Euromedia research Grop. (2018), Comparative media policy, regulation and governing the European. Unpacking the Policy cycle, Intellect, Bristol.
21. Nieminen, H. (2016), "Media and democracy from a European perspective", Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, Oxford University Press, New York, USA.
22. Closs, W. and Nikoltchev, S. (2018), "Co - Regulation of the Media in Europe", available at: www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/IRIS-Special-co-regulationofthemediainEurope.pdf (Accessed 20 October 2019).
23. Palzer, C. (2018), "European Provisions for the Establishment of Co - Regulation Framework", Co - Regulation of the media in Europe, available at: www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/IRIS-Special-co-regulationofthemediainEurope.pdf (Accessed 20 October 2019).
24. Gottberg, J. (2018), "Assumption about Self - Regulation in the media", available at: www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/IRIS-Special-co-regulationofthemediainEurope.pdf (Accessed 20 October 2019).
25. Media regulation authorities (2019), available at: https://www.coe.intlen/web/freedom-expression/media-regulatory-authorities (Accessed 25 October 2019).
26. Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities (2019) available at: www.rirm.org/en/accueil-2/ (Accessed 25 October 2019).
27. Scheuer, A., Bron, M. and Kind, Sh.(2011), "The Media in South", East Europe Media Law and Policy Framework., Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Sofia.

№ 12 2019, стор. 33 - 38

Дата публікації: 2019-12-30

Кількість переглядів: 1987

Відомості про авторів

А. В. Чужиков

к. е. н., доцент кафедри європейської економіки і бізнесу, ДВНЗ "Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана"

A. Chuzhykov

Ph. D., Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman



В. І. Чужиков

д. е. н., професор кафедри європейської економіки і бізнесу, ДВНЗ "Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана"

V. Chuzhykov

Ph. D., D.S., Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman



Як цитувати статтю

Чужиков А. В., Чужиков В. І. Реалізації медійної політики єс: економіко-правові механізми та інструменти. Економіка та держава. 2019. № 12. С. 33–38. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.12.33

Chuzhykov, A. and Chuzhykov, V. (2019), “Eu media policy implementation: economic and legal mechanisms and instruments”, Ekonomika ta derzhava, vol. 12, pp. 33–38. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.12.33

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