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М. П. Політило, Л. П. Бондаренко, О. В. Дідух


DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.10.73

УДК: 334.01:334.7:334.7.01

М. П. Політило, Л. П. Бондаренко, О. В. Дідух



У статті авторами виділено деякі аспекти щодо трактування "кооперації", на які більшість авторів звертають увагу у дослідженні цього поняття, зокрема виділенню економічного сенсу кооперації, розгляді організаційно-управлінського аспекту кооперації, соціальна атрибутика кооперації. В залежності від зазначених аспектів та характеристик кооперації авторами проаналізовано наявні підходи до визначення поняття "кооперація" як процесу співробітництва та взаємодії суб'єктів різних економіко-правових форм господарювання, що запропоновані як вітчизняними, так і зарубіжними вченими. В статті подано авторське трактування поняття кооперації в широкому розумінні та зазначено чітке розмежування понять кооперації та кооперування, які на практиці часто ототожнюються. Авторами сформульовано основні підходи до визначення змісту поняття "кооперація" у вузькому розумінні та подано їх детальну характеристику. А також подано функціональну характеристику кооперації різних суб'єктів господарської діяльності.
In the article authors, highlighted some aspects of the interpretation of "cooperation" that most authors pay attention when exploring this concept. First, the allocation of the economic meaning of cooperation, while paying attention to the disclosure of one of its most important characteristics — saving resources through their shared use. Secondly, consideration of the organizational and managerial aspect, which leads to the fact that the cooperation is formed primarily with the purpose of organizing the process of cooperation of many subjects of market relations for the realization of tasks both for the production of goods (industrial cooperation) and for the provision of services or various financial— credit operations (credit cooperation). Third, by paying attention to the social attributes of the cooperative, where the main characteristic is joint socio-public mutual assistance in the process of achieving the goal. Depending on these aspects and characteristics of cooperation, the authors analyzed the existing approaches to defining the concept of "cooperation" as a process interaction of subjects of different economic and legal forms of economic activity, proposed by both domestic and foreign scientists.

Ключові слова: кооперація; кооперування виробництва; кооперація праці; співробітництво; синергетичний ефект; кооператознавство; кооперативи.


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M. Politylo, L. Bondarenko, O. Didukh



The authors outline the main characteristics of the "cooperation". The article deals with the author's interpretation of the concept of cooperation in a broad sense and states a clear distinction between the concepts of cooperation and cooperative, which are often identified in practice. The article outlines the main approaches to defining the meaning of the term "cooperation" in a narrow sense and presents their detailed description. According to these approaches, the authors consider the concept of cooperation as a management philosophy, as a theory of cooperation and cooperative science as a science of cooperation, as a process that has certain costs, as a method and tool for influencing society, as a certain activity, relations between people.
The article states that cooperation is characterized not only by static and institutional features, but also by its dynamism and functionality. Based on this, the following main functions of cooperation are formulated: economic, organizational-managerial, social. The economic function of cooperative research is manifested in: optimal planning of financial performance of the association, uniform distribution of business results, and satisfaction of needs and realization of interests of members of the association. The organizational and managerial function of the cooperation is intended to provide democratic conditions for the unification, organization and management of the process of cooperation of citizens or other subjects of market relations in uniting for the realization of common tasks and efforts. The social function is aimed at educating the members of the association, mutual assistance to the members of the association, manifested through self-help and solidarity of the members of the association.
The authors of this article argue that a cooperative is intended to serve both economic entities — entrepreneurs through the creation of various joint ventures and other economic associations, and ordinary citizens — in the form of establishing such a basic legal form of cooperation as a cooperative, which brings together many people to work together for self-reliance on needs and interests. To identify the meaning of the term "cooperation", the authors approach systematically, considering it from all sides and perceive cooperation as a phenomenon in the economy, as a process of cooperation between citizens, and as one of the most effective forms of enterprise integration.
The article formulates own understanding of the theoretical meaning of the concept of "cooperation". The essence of which is as follows: first, the meaning of the concepts of cooperation and cooperative should be distinguished; secondly, we have reason to define such concepts as cooperative in narrow and cooperative in the broad sense of the word; thirdly, we consider it appropriate to assert the existence of cooperative studies as a particular independent science, a certain branch of knowledge with its subject, purpose, object, subjects and functions; fourth, the functional characteristic of a cooperative is multi-vector and includes the dynamic of the cooperative movement.

Keywords: cooperation; production cooperation; labor cooperation; collaboration; synergetic effect; cooperative science; cooperatives.


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№ 10 2019, стор. 73 - 77

Дата публікації: 2019-10-31

Кількість переглядів: 1127

Відомості про авторів

М. П. Політило

к. е. н., доц., доцент кафедри фінансів,Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", м. Львів

M. Politylo

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Finance Department,Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv



Л. П. Бондаренко

к. е. н., доц., доцент кафедри фінансів,Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", м. Львів

L. Bondarenko

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Finance Department,Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv



О. В. Дідух

к. е. н., доцент кафедри фінансів,Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", м. Львів

O. Didukh

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Finance Department,Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv



Як цитувати статтю

Політило М. П., Бондаренко Л. П., Дідух О. В. Основні підходи до трактування поняття "кооперація" як багатогранного явища. Економіка та держава. 2019. № 10. С. 73–77. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.10.73

Politylo, M., Bondarenko, L. and Didukh, O. (2019), “Basic approaches to the interpretation of the cooperation as a multifaceted phenomenon”, Ekonomika ta derzhava, vol. 10, pp. 73–77. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2019.10.73

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